Board of Trustees

2024 Board of Trustees

Richard Fortunato, President
Scott Shulman, Vice President
Julia O’Halloran, Secretary
William Picard, Treasurer
Lisa Rouder
Amanda Sellinger
Michelle Wyrwa
Mayor Josh Losardo, Township Liaison
Deputy Mayor Ellen Zimmerman, Township Liaison Alternate
Dr. Joan Mast, School Liaison


2024 Meeting Dates

Meetings of the Board of Trustees will be held on the following Wednesdays at 7:00 pm at the Scotch Plains Public Library:

  • January 17
  • February 21
  • March 20
  • April 24
  • May 15
  • June 20
  • September 18
  • October 16
  • November 20
  • December 18

Procedures for Public Participation at Public Meetings of the Board of Trustees

Purpose of Public Comment

Public meetings of the Board of Trustees (the “Board”) generally include a period for public
participation. Public participation at Board meetings is intended to allow individual members of
the public to address the Board on issues of public concern, and not intended as a forum for
extended conversation or two-way dialogue with the Board members. The presiding officer or
other Trustees may respond to questions either at the end of the session, or at a later time or not
at all. It shall be the responsibility of the presiding officer to maintain order and efficient process
during public participation at Board meetings.

Time Available

Public participation at meetings of the Board will be limited to 15 minutes and residents of
Scotch Plains will be given priority. This time allotment may be extended for an additional 15
minutes, by the presiding officer, at his/her discretion. All speakers must preface their remarks
by providing their name and address, and if applicable organization on behalf of which they are
acting. All speakers, regardless of whether he or she represents an organization, will be allotted
no more than three minutes for comment. If it appears to the presiding officer that the public
participation portion of the meeting will be less than fifteen minutes, he or she may, at their
discretion, extend the three-minute time limit for individual speakers. No speaker may comment
more than once.


The presiding officer may:

a. Interrupt, warn, and/or terminate a participant’s statement, question, or inquiry when it is too lengthy;

b. Interrupt and/or warn a participant when the statement, question, or inquiry is abusive, obscene, or may be defamatory;

c. Request any person to leave the meeting when that person does not observe
reasonable decorum;

d. Request the assistance of law enforcement officers in the removal of a disorderly
person when that person prevents or disrupts a meeting with an act that obstructs
or interferes with a meeting;

e. Call for a recess or an adjournment to another time when the lack of public decorum
interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting; and

f. Waive these rules when necessary for the protection of privacy or to maintain an
orderly operation of the Board meeting.