Adult Summer Reading

Log Your Reads for a Chance to Win

Scotch Plains adult resident cardholders are invited to take part in our Adult Reading Challenge. Fill out our online form for every book you read this summer (June 1 through September 3). Each book logged is an entry in our summer reading raffle, which includes a gift certificate to a local business.

Note: Once a person's name has been drawn for one raffle basket, they will not be eligible for additional prizes.

Summer Reading Reviews

Reader reviews of summer reading books are here!

Here are the reviews of your Summer 2023 reads – Part 1 and Part 2 — please note that the links are not currently working.

Find Your Next Great Read!

Visit our Reader Resources page to learn how you can find the perfect books for summertime — or anytime!


Check our events calendar and sign up for our Adult Services e-mail newsletter to stay up-to-date on what’s coming!

Other Fun Stuff!