
The information provided by Scotch Plains Public Library and its employees does not imply medical recommendation, endorsement or approval. Information from these sources are intended for use as general information. All consumer health information should be reviewed with your health care professional for clarification about how this information may or may not apply to your unique clinical situation or overall health.

Health Resources > Find Health Information

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

The diabetes section of this NIH site has a straight-forward overview of diabetes, its symptoms and causes, tests and treatments, management, and prevention of diabetes related problems.

American Diabetes Association

In addition to general information about diabetes, this website has a large section on food and fitness and also includes an online community for support.  In the “in my community” section, users can locate their local diabetes education office and search for nearby events.

Joslin Diabetes Center

Joslin Diabetes Center is affiliated with Harvard Medical School. Their Education Library and Learning Center has a library of terms clearly describing topics such as A1-C, neuropathy, and insulin resistance.