Find Health Information

The information provided by Scotch Plains Public Library and its employees does not imply medical recommendation, endorsement or approval. Information from these sources are intended for use as general information. All consumer health information should be reviewed with your health care professional for clarification about how this information may or may not apply to your unique clinical situation or overall health.

General Medical Information

This website from the National Library of Medicine offers reliable, up-to-date information written in plain language, making it a good starting point for most health information inquiries. You can access information in multiple languages (by language and by topic.)

This library resource (login with your library card number) provides information from authoritative sources such as reference books and journals. It covers major diseases and conditions, treatments, procedures, and current health issues.

The American Academy of Family Physicians provides easy-to-read information. Topics covered include diseases and conditions, wellness and prevention, family health, and health care management.

This resource from the National Institutes of Health provides guidelines on how to talk to your doctor and prepare for a health appointment, including checklists of questions for specific conditions.

Library Databases for Magazine & Journal Articles

These resources can help you find up-to-date articles from magazines and studies in peer-reviewed medical journals.

For some articles, the full text is included. For others, only an abstract or summary is provided. You can request the full text of an article through our interlibrary loan service.

Login with your Library Card number.

Provides access to full-text consumer health magazines (such as the Harvard Health Letter) and reference books. It also includes searchable full text for current health pamphlets.

This database provides access to articles from peer-reviewed journals (such as Annals of Family Medicine).

This multi-subject database includes articles from peer-reviewed journals (such as Cardiovascular Diabetology). Check off Peer Reviewed Journals to limit your search to original research articles, and Full Text for articles you can read in full.

Websites for Magazine & Journal Articles

These reliable sites let you search for up-to-date articles from magazines and studies in peer-reviewed medical journals.

For some articles, the full text is included. For others, only an abstract or summary is provided. You can request the full text of an article through our interlibrary loan service.

This free database includes peer-reviewed medical journals from the publisher SpringerNature.

This free database from the National Library of Medicine lets you search peer-reviewed medical journals. Find help with the search process and learn how to access the full text of articles when available.

This database includes some Open Access (free-to-read) articles from peer-reviewed journals. The publisher also offers a Patient Access program through which patients and caregivers can make requests for individual research articles published in Elsevier journals that are related to medicine and healthcare—at no cost.

Health Information Topics

Reliable websites and books available in the LMxAC consortium provide information on these specific conditions:


National Cancer Institute (National Institutes of Health)

American Cancer Society

  • Coverage includes: understanding cancer, managing cancer care, finding support and resources, survivorship and information for caregivers.
  • Information is provided in 13 additional languages about prevention, early detection, treatment, and managing side effects.
  • A cancer helpline and live chat and video chat options are available from the homepage, offering connections to trained cancer information specialists who will answer questions about a cancer diagnosis and provide guidance and a compassionate ear.


  • This organization provides free professional support services to anyone diagnosed with cancer, as well as their friends, family, and caregivers. Individual and support group counseling (in-person or virtual) is available to anyone affected by cancer residing in New York or New Jersey, in English and Spanish.

Books about Cancer


National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

This NIH site provides information on symptoms and causes, tests and treatments, management, and prevention of diabetes-related problems. It also covers sources of Financial Help for Diabetes Care.

American Diabetes Association

This nonprofit organization is focused on providing credible information, delivering local support services, and supporting patients’ rights. They also provide a comprehensive glossary of diabetes-related terms.

The Diabetes Link

The mission of this nonprofit organization to empower young adults with diabetes by providing access to peer support, connections, and expert resources.

Books about Diabetes

Heart Disease, Hypertension, and Stroke

American Heart Association

This nonprofit organization is dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke, also covering topics such as high blood pressure and congenital heart defects.

American Stroke Association

This division of the American Heart Association provides the latest evidence-based information on stroke, post-stroke recovery, caregiver information, and tools, resources and education for health care professionals.

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 

Part of the National Institutes of Health, the NHLBI is sponsors research, training, and education to promote the prevention and treatment of heart, lung, and blood disorders. Information on relevant clinical trials is provided.

Books about Heart Disease, Hypertension, and Stroke

Chronic Pain

American Chronic Pain Association

This nonprofit provides resources for pain conditions and education for pain management.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Part of the NIH, this institute offers pain education, resources and support.

Flippin’ Pain Resources

The UK’s National Health Service offers resources for understanding pain and moving towards recovery.

Books on Pain

Lung Disease

American Lung Association

This nonprofit supports lung health education, lung disease research, support, programs, services and advocacy.

COPD Foundation

This nonprofit offers resources and tools for people with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), their caretakers, and family members. An online community forum offers venue to ask questions, start discussions, communicate with peers, thought leaders and community managers.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Alzheimer’s Association

This nonprofit is dedicated to promoting awareness of the latest Alzheimer’s research, resources, education and news.

National Institute on Aging: Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Part of the NIH, this institute provides information on diagnosis and treatment, as well as tips and resources for caregivers and people living with dementia.

Books on Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Kidney Disease

National Kidney Foundation

This nonprofit provides information on the basics of kidney health and kidney disease, as well as resources for treatment, support, and transplantation.

National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases

Part of the NIH, this institute offers information on a wide range of kidney topics, and provides access to statistics and current research.

Books on Kidney Disease

Vaccination Information

Centers for Disease Control  (CDC)

The CDC has a collection of resources with vaccination information for parents, including a page on making the vaccine decision, vaccines recommended by age, and what to expect during a vaccine visit .  This information is available in both English and Spanish.

The American Academy of Pediatrics hosts this site which provides information on childhood vaccinations, including vaccine schedules.

Vaccine Information Statements

The Immunization Action Coalition provides links to the CDC’s Vaccine Information Statements in multiple languages. These statements explain both the benefits and the risks of the named vaccine.


Browse the health information in multiple languages page in MedlinePlus to find disease and vaccination information in a particular language.

COVID-19 Vaccines

The NJ COVID-19 vaccine hub and the NIH COVID-19 site provide reliable information for learning more about COVID-19 vaccines. The CDC has a page devoted to explaining mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and how they work. NJ residents and workers may visit the state hub to schedule a vaccine appointment.

Resources for Special Populations

Health Resources for the LGBTQIA+ Community

CDC (Centers for Disease Control) LGBT Health

Information and resources on some of the health issues and inequities affecting LGBT communities.

MedlinePlus: LGBTQIA+ Health / Salud LGBTQIA+

  • From the National Library of Medicine, plain-language information about health issues that are specific to the LGBTQIA+ community.
  • Includes statistics and research; clinical trials; resources for children, teenagers, men, and women.
Resources for Teens

MedlinePlus: Teen Health

Offers plain-language information on a wide range of topics for both teens and their parents.

Center for Young Women’s Health and Young Men’s Health

The Center for Young Women’s Health is maintained by Boston Children’s Hospital and has information on topics ranging from general health, sexual health, nutrition and fitness, and mental health.  The ask us tab at the top provides a place for young women to submit questions to professionals and to browse previously asked questions with their answers.

Young Men’s Health is a similar site for young men, also providing a place to ask and review questions.

National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens

The National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens is a division of the NIH.  It has a section on drug facts and provides a library of videos.  This site links to an easy-to-read drug facts site, also sponsored by the NIH.  

Resources for Veterans


My Health-E-Vet

As the gateway to veteran health benefits and services, this site provides access to trusted health information, links to Federal and Veterans Administration benefits and resources, a personal health journal and online VA prescription refills for qualified registrants.

Disabled American Veterans (DAV)

This organization has over 1 million members and is dedicated to providing free assistance to veterans in obtaining benefits and services earned through their military service.

Everyone Serves Handbook

This is a free resource and handbook for family and friends of service members during pre-deployment, deployment and reintegration.


Vet Center

The Department of Veterans Affairs Vet Center program operates a system of 207 community based counseling centers. The Vet Centers are staffed by small multi-disciplinary teams of dedicated providers, many of which are combat veterans themselves.

National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

The National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD) aims to advance the clinical care and social welfare of U.S. Veterans through research, education and training on PTSD and stress-related disorders. This site is an educational resource on PTSD and traumatic stress, for veterans and also for mental health care providers, researchers and the general public.

Screening for Mental Health Self-Assessment Program

An anonymous screening tool, available in Spanish and English. This self-assessment questionnaire may help the user to determine whether or not current symptoms are consistent with a condition or concern that would benefit from further evaluation or treatment. It is not intended to provide a diagnosis, but can offer guidance as to where the user might also seek assistance.


Wounded Warrior Project

The mission of this non-profit organization is to raise the awareness and enlist public aid for the needs of severely injured service men and women, to help severely injured service members aid and assist each other, and to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet needs.

Military Onesource

This 24/7/365 service is available by phone, online and face-to-face through private counseling sessions in the local community by highly qualified, master’s prepared consultants. Personalized consultations on specific issues such as education, special needs, and finances are provided.