Scotch Plains – Fanwood Special School Election
A Special Election will be held on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 to vote on a bond referendum to pay for upgrades at all eight district schools and the purchase and renovation of the former La Grande School.
- More information on the referendum can be viewed on the school district’s website.
- View a sample ballot.
Voting Information:
- Mail-in-Ballots have been sent out. Find a Drop-Box location.
- Polls are open from 2pm to 8pm. Find out where to vote.
Please note: The Library will close at 1pm on Tuesday, September 17, and will be open as a polling place only between 2pm and 8pm.
Register to Vote in the November 5 General Election
The deadline to register to vote in the November General Election is October 15, 2024.
Visit New Jersey’s Voter Registration Page to:
- Check to see if you are registered
- Register online
- Download and print registration forms
- Find information for students
Vote by Mail
Learn about the Vote by Mail process.
Get the Mail-In Ballot:
- Download and print Vote by Mail application forms in English and en Español.
- The application must be received by the County Clerk by Tuesday, September 29 (seven days before the election.)
- You may obtain a Vote by Mail application at the Union County Clerk’s office at 2 Broad Street, Room 113, Elizabeth, or 300 North Avenue East, Westfield.
- New Jersey begins sending out mail-in ballots beginning September 21 (45 days before the general election).
How to fill out the ballot:
Return the ballot:
- Return in a secure Ballot Drop Box. There is a Drop Box by the entrance to the Library, and other locations throughout the county. The ballot must be returned by 8pm, November 5.
- Return in a United States Post Office box or office (it must be postmarked by 8pm, November 5).
- Return at the Union County Clerk’s office at 2 Broad Street, Room 113, Elizabeth, or 300 North Avenue East, Westfield, by 8pm, November 5.
Track Your Mail-In Ballot
You can track when the county clerks receive your ballot.
- The tracking system can tell you if your ballot has been received, but will not indicate if your vote has been accepted (“counted”) or rejected before the election.
- To track your ballot, you need to create your personal New Jersey Voter Registration System account. You will need to provide either a drivers license number, the last four digits of your Social Security number, depending on what you supplied when you registered, or your voter identification number.
- NOTE: If you registered at a time when these forms of ID were not required, go to the Voter Search tool and enter your name and birth date. This will supply your voter identification number which you can use to create the account.
Early In-Person Voting
In-person early voting locations will be open from Saturday, October 26 through Sunday, November 3.
Election Day (November 5) Voting
Vote in-person from 6am to 8pm at your polling place.
Get the Union County Votes App
The Union County Vote app provides on-the-go access to up-to-date information and guidance on a wide-range of voting-related matters.
Research the Candidates & Their Positions
- VoteSmart – enter a candidate’s name for information including bio, positions, votes, and funding.
- Ballotpedia – enter your address to view a sample ballot, and get information on the candidates, including biography, and campaign themes.
Fact-Checking Resources
- — A nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters; a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.
- Politifact — Compiled by the staff of the Tampa Bay Times newspaper, Politifact aims to rate the truthfulness of statements made by candidates and pundits.