
The information provided by Scotch Plains Public Library and its employees does not imply medical recommendation, endorsement or approval. Information from these sources are intended for use as general information. All consumer health information should be reviewed with your health care professional for clarification about how this information may or may not apply to your unique clinical situation or overall health.

Health Resources > Find Health Information

National Cancer Institute

  • In the NCI’s About Cancer section, users will find information about causes and prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, coping, and managing care. 
  • live chat option at the top of the home page and other options for calling and emailing questions through NCI’s cancer information service. 
  • NCI’s Spanish-language site

American Cancer Society

  • a wealth of information about all types of cancer, available in English and Spanish
  • topics include cancer A-Z, staying healthy, and treatment and support
  • also provides information about prevention, early detection, treatment, and managing side effects in 12 languages other than English including Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, and Korean
  • cancer helpline and live chat options available from the homepage


  • national organization dedicated to providing free professional support services to anyone diagnosed with cancer, as well as their friends, family, and caregivers
  • large library of downloadable fact sheets on different types of cancer as well as more general topics such as care giving and communicating with your health care team
  • provides access to online, telephone, and face-to-face support groups

Medical Library Association

Extensive list of cancer information websites compiled by the Cancer Libraries Section of the Medical Library Association.

Astera Cancer Classes

View our recordings of these classes offering up-to-date information on different cancers, presented by medical specialists.