More Ways to Find Your Next Great Read

We recently wrote about how you can find reading suggestions from the library’s book clubs. Here are some additional resources to inspire you.

LibraryReads – We know you love to get recommendations from our library staff when you visit our building, and we love to share great titles with you. Each month, LibraryReads lists the 10 upcoming titles that have been most enjoyed by people who work in public libraries across the country. You can find May’s list here, but if you visit the Archive page, you can explore library favorites going back to 2013. (Are you playing Bingo with us? Checking out LibraryReads is an easy square to get.)

NoveList Plus – If you haven’t discovered the NoveList Plus database yet, grab your library card and explore! You can search for a title, author, or subject, or you can browse their lists of suggested titles based on your favorite genre, your current mood, or even a favorite TV show. Click on a title that intrigues you, and you’ll find read-alike suggestions based on the title or the author. You’ll also find professional reviews to help you decide if you should give a book a try. NoveList Plus includes books for all ages, so parents can also use this to help them find a “just right” book for their children.

Bestseller lists – Have you been missing the weekly bestseller lists we kept in a binder in the New Book section? Until our building reopens, you can find the Publishers Weekly and New York Times bestseller lists online.

Of course, we still enjoy helping you find a great book to read. We’ve got great ideas about new ways to keep doing that, so stay tuned!